Two characters who represent two generations... One is 68 with of plenty Soviet Union background, another 2is 3 and without any targets in his life. They don't know each other and they are both not good at the new Russian reality. Urban high contrast life passes by where rapid wave of advertising, glam and joy are on each corner: 'It's going to be best, man ... Win a million! ... You're the first!' But one human life depends on both heroes and solution is huge amount of money that will unite them in tragic circumstances.

BUgS (2011)
Genre: Drama, Family
Cast: Aleksey Bochenin, Pavel Abramenkov, Olga Aksyonova, Elena Biryukova, Yuriy Kuzmenkov
Crew: Andrey Bogatyrev, Andrey Bogatyrev, Andrey Bogatyrev, Vsevolod Benigsen, Boris Berdyev
Release: 2011-05-20
Budget: $9,529,203
Revenue: $95,876,789
Materials Inspector: Desmond Hudson
Order Filler: Brown Ruecker
Chiropractor: Maryjane Marks
Pharmacist: Mr. Dax Anderson DDS
Physician Assistant: Broderick Bogisich
Equal Opportunity Representative: Miss Kelly Roob IV
Financial Analyst: Prof. Alta Abbott
Electrical Engineering Technician: Cecil Stark
Dispatcher: Mavis Harvey
Audio and Video Equipment Technician: Lura Sauer
Food Tobacco Roasting: Miss Kathleen Nienow
Business Manager: Esmeralda Little
Packaging Machine Operator: Americo Medhurst
Claims Taker: Logan Klein
Refrigeration Mechanic: Ms. Matilda Leuschke
Cast: Aleksey Bochenin, Pavel Abramenkov, Olga Aksyonova, Elena Biryukova, Yuriy Kuzmenkov
Crew: Andrey Bogatyrev, Andrey Bogatyrev, Andrey Bogatyrev, Vsevolod Benigsen, Boris Berdyev
Release: 2011-05-20
Budget: $9,529,203
Revenue: $95,876,789
Materials Inspector: Desmond Hudson
Order Filler: Brown Ruecker
Chiropractor: Maryjane Marks
Pharmacist: Mr. Dax Anderson DDS
Physician Assistant: Broderick Bogisich
Equal Opportunity Representative: Miss Kelly Roob IV
Financial Analyst: Prof. Alta Abbott
Electrical Engineering Technician: Cecil Stark
Dispatcher: Mavis Harvey
Audio and Video Equipment Technician: Lura Sauer
Food Tobacco Roasting: Miss Kathleen Nienow
Business Manager: Esmeralda Little
Packaging Machine Operator: Americo Medhurst
Claims Taker: Logan Klein
Refrigeration Mechanic: Ms. Matilda Leuschke
BUGS the Film.
Bedbugs - Signs of an Infestation & How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs.
In BUGS, film director Andreas Johnsen follows them as they forage, farm, cook and taste insects with communities in Europe, Australia, Mexico, Kenya, Japan and ....
Aug 22, 2020 ... Baby John and his family are visiting an insect park where they get to see all kinds of bugs and insects. Enjoy the bugs song and other Little ....
Prevent, identify, and treat bed bug infestations using EPA’s step-by-step guides, based on IPM principles. Find pesticides approved for bed bug control, check out the information clearinghouse, and dispel bed bug myths..
Bugs - Wikipedia.
A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ....
Software bug - Wikipedia.
Bug Identifier: List of Bugs, Insects Identification Info.
Bugs, Bugs, Go Away Bugs! + More | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes.
Debian bug tracking system.
Bed Bugs | US EPA.
Grow healthy communities and inquiring minds. Donate to support the BUGS mission..
Jan 6, 2021 ... Debian has a bug tracking system (BTS) in which we file details of bugs reported by users and developers. Each bug is given a number, and is ....
Bedbugs (or bed bugs) are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. They often enter your home undetected in luggage, clothing, and used beds or couches. Bedbugs are active mainly at night and usually bite people while they are sleeping. While getting rid of them begins with cleaning up the places where they live it is safest and most effective to hire an experienced pest control professional..
Bugs may refer to: Contents. 1 Biology; 2 Arts, entertainment and media. 2.1 Fictional characters; 2.2 Films; 2.3 Television; 2.4 Other uses in arts, entertainment, ....
Platform Bug Reports.
Track current support requests and report any issues using the Facebook Platform Bug Report tool..
Our Pest Guide is a bug identifier that can aid in identifying bugs, insects, and other pests. Browse our comprehensive list of bugs and insects to learn more.
Bedbugs - Signs of an Infestation & How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs.
In BUGS, film director Andreas Johnsen follows them as they forage, farm, cook and taste insects with communities in Europe, Australia, Mexico, Kenya, Japan and ....
Aug 22, 2020 ... Baby John and his family are visiting an insect park where they get to see all kinds of bugs and insects. Enjoy the bugs song and other Little ....
Prevent, identify, and treat bed bug infestations using EPA’s step-by-step guides, based on IPM principles. Find pesticides approved for bed bug control, check out the information clearinghouse, and dispel bed bug myths..
Bugs - Wikipedia.
A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ....
Software bug - Wikipedia.
Bug Identifier: List of Bugs, Insects Identification Info.
Bugs, Bugs, Go Away Bugs! + More | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes.
Debian bug tracking system.
Bed Bugs | US EPA.
Grow healthy communities and inquiring minds. Donate to support the BUGS mission..
Jan 6, 2021 ... Debian has a bug tracking system (BTS) in which we file details of bugs reported by users and developers. Each bug is given a number, and is ....
Bedbugs (or bed bugs) are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of animals or humans. They often enter your home undetected in luggage, clothing, and used beds or couches. Bedbugs are active mainly at night and usually bite people while they are sleeping. While getting rid of them begins with cleaning up the places where they live it is safest and most effective to hire an experienced pest control professional..
Bugs may refer to: Contents. 1 Biology; 2 Arts, entertainment and media. 2.1 Fictional characters; 2.2 Films; 2.3 Television; 2.4 Other uses in arts, entertainment, ....
Platform Bug Reports.
Track current support requests and report any issues using the Facebook Platform Bug Report tool..
Our Pest Guide is a bug identifier that can aid in identifying bugs, insects, and other pests. Browse our comprehensive list of bugs and insects to learn more.
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