Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production.
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book (1978)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Cast: Yuu Mizushima, Mami Koyama, Kousei Tomita, Tōru Ōhira, Masatō Ibu
Crew: Osamu Tezuka, Osamu Tezuka, Yūji Ōno, Hidehiko Takei, Hisashi Sakaguchi
Release: 1978-08-27
Budget: $8,774,532
Revenue: $39,775,485
Ship Engineer: Jordyn Mills
Fish Hatchery Manager: Jessica Dach V
Pharmacy Aide: Juanita Lind
Respiratory Therapist: Jamie Carter
Ship Engineer: Rick Herman
Program Director: Myles Bashirian
Personal Home Care Aide: Miss Kirsten Kerluke Sr.
Organizational Development Manager: Prof. Pete Nienow
Stevedore: Judson McGlynn V
Motion Picture Projectionist: Colton Hartmann
Cast: Yuu Mizushima, Mami Koyama, Kousei Tomita, Tōru Ōhira, Masatō Ibu
Crew: Osamu Tezuka, Osamu Tezuka, Yūji Ōno, Hidehiko Takei, Hisashi Sakaguchi
Release: 1978-08-27
Budget: $8,774,532
Revenue: $39,775,485
Ship Engineer: Jordyn Mills
Fish Hatchery Manager: Jessica Dach V
Pharmacy Aide: Juanita Lind
Respiratory Therapist: Jamie Carter
Ship Engineer: Rick Herman
Program Director: Myles Bashirian
Personal Home Care Aide: Miss Kirsten Kerluke Sr.
Organizational Development Manager: Prof. Pete Nienow
Stevedore: Judson McGlynn V
Motion Picture Projectionist: Colton Hartmann
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (special) · User Ratings: 18 ratings have been given [details] Masterpiece: - Excellent: - Very good: 4 votes (sub:4) Good: 3 ....
100-man-nen Chikyuu no Tabi: Bander Book.
For the previous charity special in 1978, Osamu Tezuka and Tezuka Productions created One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book. The year after, when the special ....
📼 RetroCrush on Twitter.
[Official Anime]One Million-year Trip: Bander Book.
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book.
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production..
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book (1978).
“So many Easter eggs in Tezuka's work. Was watching One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book tonight & caught a Westworld reference! (from the 70s movie) What other references can you spot in this one clip? Stream One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book free 1OryEyubAu uS6N7acIwn”.
Shapeshifting bunny girl wrangles in outlaw | One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book.
Undersea Super Train: Marine Express - Wikipedia.
May 28, 2020 ... Digital Media Rights inks deal for North American rights to line-up of Tezuka Productions' classic anime titles. In 2D, Anime, Business, CG, ....
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (special) - Anime News Network.
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (Special).
Jul 22, 2020 ... history of furrySUBSCRIBE: retroYTStream One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book free on our site: 3eOznIJWatch retro ....
Can you spot all the Tezuka references?? | One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book.
To escape the explosion of their ship caused by a terrorist attack, the parents of a young baby put him inside an escape pod and send him out before dying. The pod ends up on a planet inhabited by beings able to transform themselves into animals by using a special ring. The young baby is rescued by the royal family, and grows up to become the prince. When the planet is attacked by pirates, he will be brought by force to Earth and discover everything about his own origins, and forgotten brother. (Source: AniDB).
Sep 11, 2019 ... Title:One Million-year Trip: Bander Book☆SynopsisThis was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings ....
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (Special) ... 100万年地球の旅 バンダーブック. Alternative, Bandar Book: Hyakumannen Chikyu no Tabi. Date, Aug 27, 1978..
Sep 10, 2020 ... Shapeshifting bunny in Tezuka -- One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book Stream the full movie free on our site: 3eOznIJ ...
100-man-nen Chikyuu no Tabi: Bander Book.
For the previous charity special in 1978, Osamu Tezuka and Tezuka Productions created One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book. The year after, when the special ....
📼 RetroCrush on Twitter.
[Official Anime]One Million-year Trip: Bander Book.
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book.
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production..
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book (1978).
“So many Easter eggs in Tezuka's work. Was watching One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book tonight & caught a Westworld reference! (from the 70s movie) What other references can you spot in this one clip? Stream One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book free 1OryEyubAu uS6N7acIwn”.
Shapeshifting bunny girl wrangles in outlaw | One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book.
Undersea Super Train: Marine Express - Wikipedia.
May 28, 2020 ... Digital Media Rights inks deal for North American rights to line-up of Tezuka Productions' classic anime titles. In 2D, Anime, Business, CG, ....
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (special) - Anime News Network.
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (Special).
Jul 22, 2020 ... history of furrySUBSCRIBE: retroYTStream One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book free on our site: 3eOznIJWatch retro ....
Can you spot all the Tezuka references?? | One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book.
To escape the explosion of their ship caused by a terrorist attack, the parents of a young baby put him inside an escape pod and send him out before dying. The pod ends up on a planet inhabited by beings able to transform themselves into animals by using a special ring. The young baby is rescued by the royal family, and grows up to become the prince. When the planet is attacked by pirates, he will be brought by force to Earth and discover everything about his own origins, and forgotten brother. (Source: AniDB).
Sep 11, 2019 ... Title:One Million-year Trip: Bander Book☆SynopsisThis was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings ....
One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book (Special) ... 100万年地球の旅 バンダーブック. Alternative, Bandar Book: Hyakumannen Chikyu no Tabi. Date, Aug 27, 1978..
Sep 10, 2020 ... Shapeshifting bunny in Tezuka -- One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book Stream the full movie free on our site: 3eOznIJ ...
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